Aluminium extrusion
Pro-Lam uses presses of different power for aluminium extrusions and this enables us to produce a variety of profiles, and makes us very responsive to delivery time; a service that makes Pro-Lam production stand out from the rest.
The presses are of the lastest generation and the whole production process is automated to guarantee consistent quality of the products.
Many different kinds of aluminium alloy can be used if requested.

Aluminium accessories production
The production is carried out by several presses of different power and dimensions in order to produce pieces of different weight and volume. Our plants are fully automated to guarantee a highest yield production.
The raw material used are of first quality and there are many alumium alloys that can be moulded

Plastic material accessory production
The production is carried out by fully-automated presses of different power. In this context, the use of robotics has played a predominat role in the last few years.
Prolam has managed to assume the role of leader in the production and moulding of polymers over the years thanks to the automated works station, which are managed autonomously by anthropomorphic robots.
The high quality of the raw materials and the innovative technological processes used, allow the production of high performance articles with top-lvel functional standards

Construction of tool and matrix
Pro-Lam makes the tool and matrix to customer specification as well as for its own production. We have the technical software and the necessary knowledge to design any kind of accessory or profile.

Production finishes available for customised production and for profiles and accessories of the EUR-1 system are:
- Anodisation of aluminium extrusion to the requested microns of thickness. Available colours are: silver (aluminium natural), black, bronze, gold.
- Varnishing in RAL and special colours of aluminium extrusion and accessories.
- Varnishing in RAL and special colours of aluminium extrusion and accessories.
- Moulding of nylon and plastic material in different colours.
- Cutting to length of aluminium bars.
- Cutting to length of aluminium sheet.